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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Cheap Shopping

Choosing the right place can be the first step is for the thrifty shopping. But are not the only factors that can affect or not sparing our shopping. Sometimes choosing the right time for shopping can also be a determining factor.

Okay, now we discuss how the selection of one at the place and time shopping can participate in determining how sparingly you shop.


I asked if the place where the most sparingly to spend, I would say, shopping in the manufacturer directly. But unfortunately, not possible to spend almost directly to the manufacturer and get the "factory price" for the factory because it is certainly not efficient to serve customers in every factory.

If so, find a place as close as possible to the manufacturer or the manufacturer. Usually, the more closely with the producers will be more affordable. Near here of course is not to close the distance, but close to the distribution channels. In the sense that the price in a store or wholesale agents certainly cheaper than the price in a store, and prices in shops are also usually cheaper in price from the retailer.

But this formula does not always work. Because sometimes there is also a shopping center which can be goods directly from the manufacturer but can be more expensive than a store that must be purchased through an agent. This depends on the efficiency in the store. The more efficient a store, the less he is also taking a hit. Examples are shops in the traditional market that sometimes can be cheaper than the wholesale shops. Moreover, if the bid smart, lucky can be half the price of the offered.

One place that can be cheaper than the other area is the shopping center into sales of particular products. For example, the market for the Tanah Abang textile and garment products, and Glodok area for electronic goods. While the mobile phone to get the price of italics, we can come to the center Roxi as mobile phone sales. Sales center can offer this price because it can be said most of the merchants gathered there. Because many traders, they would not want may set the price that can compete with other traders.


Although it can have a place to scrimp for spending, not a guarantee that we can really cut corners with our shopping bags. Because even though the place shopping already offers the cheap price, but if we are easily tempted to spend beyond necessity, then we are already spending can not be spelled out more sparingly.

Because sometimes, not only determine where the sparing no expense or us. In addition to the factors, time factors also play a role in that effort savings. If shopping at the right time, we may be of high quality goods with prices italics. But if shopping at the time that is not appropriate can be obtained not sparing even the spendthrift occur.

To determine the time is right to spend certain goods, sometimes we have to know the season. Simple example is when you want to buy fruits, increase the price of this product, or down in line with the season. If you want to buy fruits for the home, choose the fruit-fruit is in season. Usually, shopping centers or stores offer special prices for the current season fruit.

Different case with buying clothes. To buy clothes, even the things that happen. Do not follow the seasons. Discount apparel when the season is already over. This may be seen clearly in the country with 4 seasons. There, warm clothing sale out if the winter has passed. And winter clothes discount any large-scale melt the snow already.

How about in Indonesia? Despite not too extreme that, but principally the same. May not be the season in terms of affecting the weather but in the sense of season mode. There are certain policies of the clothing store for discount because certain types of clothing have started behind the fashion. In fact, for some people fashion is number three when buying clothes. Number one is price, and quality is the number both of them.

There is one habit of traders that is unique that we can take advantage of the goods to get the good with the cheap price. Namely to provide habits and goods that can bargain. Usually traders give special discounts to their customers in the morning as the attractor. And sometimes they also give special discounts to buyers who spend the last item in the day. But remember, this is only valid for products that quickly broken and sold daily, such as food, vegetables and the wet cake.

If you have a good time for shopping of course also have a bad time for shopping. For example, when hungry, avoid shopping when hungry. Because hunger will add shopping, shopping, especially food products. Avoid shopping when the bored or sad. Because if you are bored or sad, and make shopping as a way out, you'll usually more eye wash and window shopping. And this can encourage the need to spend outside.

Similarly if the atmosphere is not as heat or cold. Because the condition does not fit the body can not make you cool shopping and want to go home soon. Finally you are in a hurry and lazy to bid to select a cheaper price. The transaction is completed quickly and returns home immediately. Consequently, the issue price of any escape from the attention.
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